Final CHP TRM Workpaper – February 13, 2015
Large Group SAG Meeting – June 24, 2014
- Draft Program Flowchart
Subcommittee Meeting 1 – July 15, 2014
- Agenda
- Meeting Notes and Attendee List
- Open Issues List (edited; 7/10/14)
- CHP Subcommittee Process (draft; 7/21/14)
Subcommittee Meeting 2- August 5, 2014
- Agenda
- ComEd CHP Template
- AG-NRDC Memo on CHP Savings Calculations and Claims
- CHP Impact on Source Gas Consumption
- Proposed CHP Evaluation Strategy Memo
- Meeting Notes and Attendee List
Subcommittee Meeting 3 – November 18, 2014
- Agenda
- CHP Electricity Savings for Utilities (SWEEP)
- CHP Next Steps Proposal
- CHP Summary for Meeting
- CHP Template with MCA Edits
- Meeting Notes and Attendee List
Subcommittee Meeting 4- December 2, 2014
- Agenda
- ComEd CHP Program Template
- CHP TRM Workpaper (draft, rev 2)
- Meeting Notes and Attendee List
Subcommittee Meeting 5- December 9, 2014
- Agenda
- ComEd CHP Template – updated
- CHP Workpaper – updated
- Ted Weaver Analysis
- DCEO Analysis (Not Received)
- John Cuttica Comparison Chart
- Chris Neme documents: Summary of DCEO/AG/NRDC proposals; scenarios
Subcommittee Meeting 6- December 16, 2014 teleconference
- Follow-up Items
Subcommittee Meeting 7 – January 13, 2015
- Attendee List and Meeting Notes, version 2
- IL CHP Savings Presentation (Chris Neme, Energy Futures Group; Stefano Galiasso, ERC/UIC)
- Updated draft CHP TRM Workpaper (for review)
- Draft “Large User” Language (Excerpted from CHP Workpaper)
- Draft “Large User” Language, proposed by IIEC (Excerpted from Section 2.4.1, draft IL TRM Version 4.0)
Subcommittee Meeting 8 – February 10, 2015 (Teleconference)
- CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from ICC Staff
- CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from Navigant
- CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from Opinion Dynamics
- Comments from ADM: ADM does not oppose the use of the carbon equivalency approach in the CHP workpaper. ADM would not recommend the use of the carbon equivalency approach for GSHP. ADM would suggest the same guidance that we originally provided for GSHP. As far as ECHP and FCHP in the CHP work paper are concerned, ADM does not have guidance for applying rules. ADM understands that there could be future contention of these variables if a method isn’t set forth in the TRM.
- Follow-up Draft Workpapers, with notes from SAG call:CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from ICC Staff (with SAG notes); CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from Navigant (with SAG notes); CHP TRM Workpaper Draft, Comments from Opinion Dynamics (with SAG notes)
- Final CHP TRM Workpaper for review: CHP TRM Workpaper (clean); CHP TRM Workpaper (redline). The CHP TRM Workpaper must be finalized on Friday, February 13th for inclusion with IL TRM Version 4.0.
Subcommittee Meeting 9 – February 13, 2015 (Teleconference)
- Final CHP TRM Workpaper comments and edits were discussed.