SAG Website Reporting Resources
- The SAG Reports page includes reports prepared by the SAG Facilitator.
- The Utility Reports page includes quarterly and annual utility reports. Quarterly and annual utility reports are also filed with the Commission in Energy Efficiency Plan dockets.
- Reports related to evaluation of utility energy efficiency programs are available on the Evaluation Documents page.
- The SAG Reporting Working Group meets on an as-needed basis to discuss utility reporting.
Utility Reporting Metrics Finalized in 2024
- Illinois EE Policy Manual Version 3.0 was developed by the SAG Policy Manual Subcommittee from June 2022 to August 2023. Version 3.0 was approved by the ICC in December 2023. Version 3.0 included four new reporting principle policies. Each of the new reporting principle policies stated: “Program Administrators shall work with interested stakeholders to reach consensus in developing the specific metrics to address these reporting needs. The metrics may evolve over time.”
- Reporting metrics were discussed by the SAG Reporting Working Group from October 2023 to February 2024. Metrics were finalized in June 2024. Metrics are linked below.
Equity and Affordability Metrics:
Diverse Contracting Metrics:
Income Qualified Health and Safety Metrics:
Income Qualified Multi-Family Metrics:
- IQ Multi-Family Reporting Metrics Spreadsheet (Final 6/5/2024)
- IQ Multi-Family Reporting Metrics (Final Clean PDF 6/20/2024)
Additional Utility Reporting
Utilities file supplier diversity reports with the Illinois Commerce Commission on an annual basis:
- Click here to visit the Annual Utility Supplier Diversity Reports Illinois Commerce Commission website.
- Legislative background: Section 5-117 of the Public Utilities Act 220 ILCS 5/5-117, as amended by Public Act 99-0906, “require[s] all gas, electric, and water companies with at least 100,000 customers under its authority, as well as suppliers of wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, and any other supplier of energy within this State, to submit an annual report by April 15, 2015 and every April 15 thereafter, in a searchable Adobe PDF format, on all procurement goals and actual spending for female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises in the previous calendar year,” and the utilities’ plan for implementing and realizing their goals for the following year. Section 5-117 also requires the ICC and participating entities to hold an Annual Policy Session that is open to the public on the subject of supplier diversity. The policy session follows the submission of the Supplier Diversity Reports each year.