- This event has passed.
Tuesday, June 29 Market Transformation Savings Working Group Meeting
Purpose of June 29th meeting:
- To educate the Working Group on Retail Products Platform MT initiatives and provide an overview of the approach to evaluation; and
- To educate the Working Group on the Thin Triple Pane Windows MT initiative
June 29, 2021 Market Transformation Savings Working Group Agenda
ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform:
- ComEd Update Presentation
- Ameren Illinois Update Presentation
- Retail Products Platform Evaluation Collaboration (Guidehouse and Opinion Dynamics)
- Retail Products Platform Coordination: IL-TRM Attachment C Overview
- Retail Products Platform Natural Market Baseline (NEEA)
Thin Triple Windows – Market Transformation Program Update (Nicor Gas)
- Attendee List and Notes from June 29 (Q2) Meeting
- EPA ENERGY STAR: Affordability of ENERGY STAR Appliances Research Findings (May 2021)
- ComEd Retail Products Platform Product Operational Strategy – Clothes Washers (September 2020)
Visit the Market Transformation Savings Working Group page for additional information on Working Group activities.