Equity Subcommittee


To support equity in energy efficiency portfolios, as referenced in 2022-2025 EE Plan Stipulated Agreements. SAG Equity Subcommittee meetings will be held jointly with the Income Qualified (IQ) North EE Committee and IQ South EE Committee. Meetings will include an opportunity for SAG and IQ EE Committee participants to coordinate on discussion of energy efficiency efforts related to equity.


Several of the 2022-2025 EE Plan Stipulated Agreements between individual utilities and non-financially interested stakeholders reference discussing a variety of topics related to equity, diverse contractor hiring, and progress on the utilities’ Market Development Initiatives in a new SAG Subcommittee. The first meeting of the Equity Subcommittee was held in June 2022. Meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis.


Open to all interested participants, except for topics that may involve a financial conflict of interest (such as discussing a Request for Proposal). Contact the SAG Facilitator to join the Equity Subcommittee distribution list.

2024 Meetings

2023 Meetings

2023 Feedback Received

2022 Meetings


There is a variety of information available about Illinois utility efforts related to supplier diversity, workforce development, and the energy efficiency Market Development Initiatives. Quarterly energy efficiency utility reports are posted on the SAG website, and filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). Annual Supplier Diversity Reports are submitted to the ICC and posted on the ICC website. Resources will be posted on this page and circulated to participants when new information is available.

Ameren Illinois Resources

ComEd Resources

Nicor Gas Resources

Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas Resources