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Wednesday, February 21 SAG Meeting

The Large Group SAG will meet on Wednesday, February 21 by teleconference, via Webex. There will be a 30-minute break during the meeting. The purpose of the February 21 Large Group SAG meeting is to kick-off the 2024 SAG Portfolio Planning Process, with an overview of income qualified / income eligible EE programs. Illinois utilities will present an overview of their entire EE portfolios during the SAG meetings scheduled the prior week (Tuesday, February 13 and Wednesday, February 14).

February 21, 2024 SAG Agenda

SAG Facilitator Presentation: Introduction to February 21 Meeting

Northern Illinois Utilities Presentation: Income Qualified EE Programs

Ameren Illinois Presentation: Income Qualified Initiative



Feb. 21 Northern Illinois Utility Follow-up Items (ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas):

  • Food Bank Program (ComEd)
    1. What is the percentage of uptake?
  • Income Eligible Retail Program (ComEd)
    1. Share the total unit participation by type of units.
  • Whole Home Electric (ComEd)
    1. Request to share outreach materials.
    2. For multi-family, does the tenant communication vary from project to project, e.g. materials posted on doors sent in the mail available in lobbies? Does ComEd monitor or track the communications with tenants?
    3. On slide 28 (budget & performance), what does “units served” refer to? What does “projects” refer to?
  • Affordable Housing New Construction Program (ComEd and Nicor Gas)
    1. Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas to follow-up on why they no longer participate in this program.
      • PG/NSG Response: With historically lower participation in AHNC and each portfolio’s goals, funding, and stipulation requirements, focus was placed on other income eligible programs to achieve savings and maximize budget.
    2. What is the % of optional measure uptake?
    3. Is the dip in performance between 2022 and 2023 due to higher interest rates and a slump in the housing / new construction market?
  • Home Energy Savings Program (ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas)
    1. Do the A – D prioritization requirements (on slide 60) also apply to getting a heat pump installed? Is criteria D (basement air sealing opportunity) required for getting a heat pump?
  • Multi-Family Energy Savings Program (ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas)
    1. What % of the units being served are electric-heated, vs. natural gas or propane heated?
      • PG/NSG Response:
        • 2022
          • Electric: 9%
          • Natural Gas: 91%
        • 2023
          • Electric: 14%
          • Natural Gas: 86%
        • 2024 (Jan-Feb)
          • Electric: 13%
          • Natural Gas: 87%

Feb. 21 Ameren Illinois Follow-up Items:

  1. For electrification, is the cost related to transferring a customer captured as an EE project cost?
    • Response: Equipment upgrade costs on the customer side of the meter (e.g. electrical panel), that are necessary to complete electrification projects in the Income-Qualified initiative, are typically recovered through Rider EE. Equipment upgrade costs on the Company’s side of the meter (e.g. service line to home) that are necessary to address load and/or capacity needs are typically recovered outside of Rider EE.


February 21, 2024
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Event Category: