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Tuesday, February 13 SAG Meeting

The purpose of the February 13 and February 14 SAG meetings is to kick-off the SAG Portfolio Planning Process. Illinois utilities (Ameren Illinois, ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas) presented an overview of current EE portfolios and considerations for the 2026-2029 EE Portfolio Plans.

  • Please note: On February 21, Illinois utilities also presented a deep dive overview of income qualified / income eligible EE programs.

February 13, 2024 SAG Agenda (Day 1)

SAG Facilitator Presentation: Introduction to February Meetings

ComEd EE Portfolio Overview Presentation

Nicor Gas EE Portfolio Overview Presentation



Feb. 13 ComEd Follow-up Items:

  1. Number of participants in Strategic Energy Management in 2023.
    • ComEd Response: 342 SEM participants
  2. Number of participants in Facility Assessments in 2023.
    • ComEd Response: 362 completed, 253 if you exclude those done for Small Business customers (most of which were for CPS, 7-Eleven and Speedway)
  3. Provide additional information about the pilot comprehensive assessment commitment for Facility Assessments in Plan 6.
    • ComEd Response: A ComEd resource is managing the comprehensive pilot program. Three local governments (Chicago, Rockford Water Department and Harvey) are participating in the comprehensive assessment pilot. 15 Chicago Public Libraries have completed facility assessments, including near and longer term energy efficiency program and project planning. Additional Chicago Public Libraries and Department of Public Health facilities are being identified for the next round of assessments and program planning for the City. The Rockford Water Department completed 8 comprehensive assessments along with energy efficiency program and project planning. Harvey has prioritized 10 sites to complete comprehensive facility assessments and project planning in 2024.
  4. Number of Public Schools Carbon Free Assessments in 2023.
    • ComEd Response: 350 completed
  5. Residential Home Heating and Cooling – follow-up with Chris Neme to discuss air source heat pumps further.
    • ComEd Response: Julie Hollensbe will reach out to Chris Neme.
  6. Follow-up with Cheryl Watson on Affordable Housing program. Cheryl is interested in how communities can engage with passive homes for affordable housing.
    • ComEd Response: Paul Grimyser will reach out to Cheryl Watson.
  7. In the future ComEd can share out a report-out of R&D projects. SAG Facilitator to add this as a future SAG topic in 2025.
    • ComEd Response: The R&D team is available to share a report-out whenever it is convenient for the SAG
  8. ComEd will walk through additional information on savings shortfalls in a future discussion.
    • ComEd Response: Kim Swan or another presenter from ComEd will do so.
  9. How do the utility-sponsored weatherization programs communicate with Community Action Agencies?
    • ComEd Response: Resource Innovations has a Program Manager dedicated to the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) as it relates to the Home Energy Savings (HES) and Multi-Family Energy Savings (MFES) offerings.  Resource Innovations is the prime implementation contractor for HES and serves as a subcontractor to Franklin Energy for their work supporting MFES. This Program manager:
      • Meets bi-weekly with the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACCA).  The northern IL utilities partially fund a dedicated Director of Utility Programs role at IACAA for this purpose; IACAA is in regular communication with all agencies, hosts quarterly roundtables with regional groups, escalate concerns to RI/the utilities, and collect information on each agency via surveys and phone calls to inform agency roles, responsibilities, and support needs.
      • Meets bi-weekly with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to discuss program updates and agency capacity.
      • Facilitates regular monthly meetings with agencies who complete a high volume of production or are at risk of not hitting production goals.
      • Emails all agencies active in the network monthly to document production goals.
      • Hosts annual kickoff meetings and mid-year check-ins open to all agencies.

Feb. 13 Nicor Gas Follow-up Items:

  1. How many people from the Community Connection Center (C3) program are participants in the Market Development Initiative Workforce Training and Employment (WTE) Program?
  2. How do the utility-sponsored weatherization programs communicate with Community Action Agencies?


February 13, 2024
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category: