“Energy Efficiency Ideas” submitted as part of the 2020 SAG Portfolio Planning Process are available for review below.
- Energy Efficiency Ideas were presented to SAG during the May 12, May 13, and June 3 meetings. The May 13 meeting was jointly held with the Income Qualified EE Advisory Committee.
- Please note: Energy Efficiency Ideas were due on Monday, April 27. The deadline has passed. For reference, the following templates were provided:
Energy Efficiency Ideas
Bronzeville Community Development Partnership Idea: Community EV Charging Pilot
Community Action Partnership of Lake County: IHWAP Braiding Approach
Crosswalk Community Action Agency: HVAC Funding for IHWAP
Meadows Eastside Community Resource Organization Idea: Light Up the Night
People for Community Recovery Ideas:
Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago Idea: Health & Safety Repairs
Senior Services Plus Ideas:
ExxonMobil Idea: Energy Efficient Hydraulic Oil and Gear Oil
Natural Resources Defense Council Ideas:
- Midstream-Upstream Approaches
- Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Technology
- C&I Networked Lighting Controls
- Non-IQ Multi-Family Heat Pumps
- Non-IQ Single Family Home Retrofits
- Municipal Building Performance Standards
- All-Electric Residential New Construction Pilot
- IQ Heat Pump Retrofits
- Leveraging Other Initiatives
- IQ MF Program Enhancements
- Healthy Building Materials + IQ Retrofits
- Affordable Housing NC Third-Party Certification and MT
- IHWAP Braiding Enhancements
- IQ Health + Energy Efficiency
- Payment Troubled Customers + IQ EE
Elevate Energy and New Ecology Idea: Remote Monitoring and Optimization (ReMO) Program
Elevate Energy Ideas:
- Whole-Building Electrification Retrofits Pilot (IQ Multifamily)
- Rural IQ Electric Pilot
- Centralized Resources
- COI (Conflict of Interest) Rule
- Energy Communities
- Joint Implementation for Nonprofit Customers
- Loyalty Program
- Tiered Multifamily
- Benchmarking Technical Assistance
- Municipal Ambassador Program
- Warming/Cooling Centers
- Field Adjustable Streetlights
- Water EE Measures
Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC) Idea: Advanced Power Strips
Geothermal Exchange Organization Idea: Geothermal Systems
Energy Resource Center/UIC Idea: Condo PTAC/PTHP Pilot Conversion
Indoor Climate Research & Training/U of I Ideas:
- Heat Pump Performance Training (IQ and non-IQ)
- Duel Fuel Heat Pumps for Weatherization Programs (IQ and non-IQ)
- Smart Meter Data
- All-Electric Retrofit Pilot
- Solar Powered Split System Heat Pump Pilot
Skill Demand Idea: Advanced Powerstrips for Medium to Large Commercial Office Buildings
Citizens Utility Board Ideas: 1-8 Summary Document
- Idea #1: All Illinois Utilities – Website
- Idea #2: Ameren Illinois, ComEd, and Nicor Gas – Utility Coordination
- Idea #3: All Illinois Utilities – Training and Education
- Idea #4: All Illinois Utilities – Community Engagement
- Idea #5: Ameren Illinois and ComEd – Demand Response
- Idea #6: All Illinois Utilities – IHWAP Utility-Braided Program
- Idea #7: All Illinois Utilities – Renter Resources
- Idea #8: All Illinois Utilities – On-Bill Financing
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) Idea: Statewide IL State Agency Facilities Program
Community Investment Corp. Ideas: 1-8 Summary Document
- Idea #1: Portfolio Applications
- Idea #2: Additional Gas Funding for Joint, Comprehensive Upgrade Programs (Nicor Gas)
- Idea #3: One Stop Shop Marketing – All MF Programs
- Idea #4: Enhance MF building owner customer outreach by targeting building owners
- Idea #5: Determine IQ eligibility using the qualification methodologies that are the least burdensome and time-consuming for building owners
- Idea #6: Enable EE programs to incentivize bringing vacant/distressed units to above-code EE
- Idea #7: Combining incentive and financing programs
- Idea #8: Improve EE programs for non-owner occupied 1 and 2-unit homes
National Consumer Law Center Ideas:
- Weatherization Implementation
- Smart Thermostat Approach
- Income Qualified Program Spending
- Bill Affordability Coordination
- Equity Hiring (Joint Idea with NRDC)
Google Idea: Virtually Assisted Self-Installations
U.S. EPA Energy Star Ideas: