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Monday, October 19 Market Transformation Savings Working Group Meeting

The purpose of the October 19 meeting:

  1. To provide an update on market transformation process/outreach policies previously presented to the Working Group.
  2. To provide an update on the Commercial Food Service Pilot.
  3. To provide an update on other Illinois EE initiatives.

Monday, October 19 Market Transformation Savings Working Group Agenda

Policy Update Presentation (SAG Facilitator)

Commercial Food Service Update:

ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform – Status Update (ComEd)

Building Operator Certification Presentation (MEEA)

Follow-up: Attendee List and Notes from October 19 Meeting


Visit the Market Transformation Savings Working Group page for additional information on Working Group activities.


October 19, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category: