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Tuesday, September 3 SAG Meeting

The purpose of the September 3 SAG meeting is to discuss draft EE potential study results for Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas.

Tuesday, September 3 SAG Agenda

SAG Facilitator Introduction to September 3 Meeting

Applied Energy Group Presentation: Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas Market Potential Study


Summary of follow-up items:

  1. In the example on the slide 6, 62.7% is the response on 50-year payback. What is payback without any incentive? Did you ask what the uptick would be without any incentive?
  2. Confirm if the survey data relied on was coupled with site visits or survey data exclusively.
  3. What is the carbon adder based on? Is AEG presenting the same value for the grid emission rates that was present to SAG in June/July?
  4. Residential study results – look into why the blower door measure was not on the list as a top measure.
  5. For the “connected thermostat” measure (both residential and commercial), are you assuming baseline of programmable or manual?
  6. Stakeholder request: How did assumptions in the AEG study for Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas differ from the statewide study performed by GDS Associates for Ameren Illinois, ComEd, and Nicor Gas? If the assumptions or study results differ in a significant way, it would be good to understand via a summary memo.


September 3, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category: