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Monday, February 22 Small Group SAG Meeting
The purpose of the February 22, 2021 Small Group SAG meeting is to address the following evaluation questions:
- To discuss evaluation questions regarding how ongoing engagement should affect persistence in business programs.
- To introduce savings normalization options for the 2021 program year.
Agenda for Monday, February 22 Small Group Evaluation Meeting
Follow-up: Attendee List and Notes from Feb. 22 Meeting
Request for Feedback
Ongoing Engagement and Persistence in Business Programs
- Policy Question #1: Should the EUL for operational C&I measures be affected by ongoing engagement?
- Should the EUL:
- Be short such that it reflects the time between engagements
- Long such that the EUL is extended by ongoing engagement
- Or somewhere in-between
- Should the EUL:
- Policy Question #2: Does the answer differ for different scenarios of engagement (either those outlined in the powerpoint or other scenario the commenter lays out)?
- Request for Feedback: Submit comments or questions within 15 Business Days (by Thursday, March 18) to Carly Olig ([email protected]) and Karen Maoz ([email protected]). Please CC the SAG Facilitator ([email protected]).
- Next Steps (April 2021):
- Based on comments received during and following the Feb 22 SAG meeting, Guidehouse has concluded that the IL policy framework can support the possibility that effective useful life (EUL) may be extended by ongoing engagement (as opposed to subsequent engagements “restarting” the EUL clock). This allows the evaluators to conduct research as warranted to look into whether specific existing or potential program strategies warrant a longer EUL than the same program without ongoing engagement. At this time such research does not exist, so no EULs would be immediately extended by this conclusion.
- Guidehouse will plan to share results of this research for ComEd in the future, either through the IL-TRM update process or another channel where the Effective Useful Life (EUL) is being updated.
Savings Normalization for 2021 Program Year
- It was suggested on the call that evaluators should normalize for the pandemic in CY2021. This is the same approach used in CY2020, per SAG consensus. Interested parties are requested to send comments if you disagree or object with this decision for CY2021. If you disagree, please share whether you think evaluators should not normalize savings in 2021, or whether you think more time is needed to make this decision.
- Request for Feedback: For objections to savings normalization in 2021, submit comments within 15 Business Days (by Thursday, March 18) to Carly Olig ([email protected]) and Zach Ross ([email protected]). Please CC the SAG Facilitator ([email protected]).
- Next Steps (March 2021):
- Policy resolution was finalized and posted to the SAG Policy webpage: Estimating Savings in Calendar Year 2020 and Calendar Year 2021 Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (Final, March 2021)