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December 14-16, 2015 Meeting Materials
Monday, December 14 Meeting (Day 1)
SAG Portfolio Planning Process (Annette Beitel, EE SAG Facilitator) – no presentation
Proposed Program Ideas: Low Income Proposal and Low-Moderate Income Program Proposal / Presentation (Karen Lusson, IL AG)
Cross-Cutting Proposals: EE Diversity Proposal and Local Business Proposal / Presentation (Karen Lusson, IL AG)
Proposed Program Idea: Delta Lumin (Low Income) Proposal and Presentation(Kevin Dick, Delta Institute)
Proposed Program Changes: Multifamily Improvements Presentation (Stacie Young, Community Investment Corp.)
- Multifamily Proposal Templates – Data request; Improved Consistency; Working Group
- Updated Proposal Templates (Jan. 2016) – Revised Data Request; Revised Marketing Working Group Request
Proposed Program Idea: Geographically Targeted Pilot Program Proposal and Presentation (Stacie Young, Community Investment Corp.)
Proposed Program: Ameren IL Energy Savings Kits Proposal and Presentation(Carla Colamonini, Citizens Utility Board)
Proposed Program Changes: On Bill Financing (OBF) – CUB OBF Proposal; CIC OBF Proposal (Carla Colamonini, Citizens Utility Board; Stacie Young, Community Investment Corp.)
Tuesday, December 15 Meeting (Day 2)
Cross-Cutting Proposal: Statewide Marketing Proposal (Karen Lusson, IL AG)
Proposed Change: Nicor Gas Portfolio Proposal and Presentation (Chris Vaughn, Nicor Gas)
Proposed Programs and Program Changes: Ameren IL Residential (Keith Goerss, Ameren IL)
- 1) Res-Single Family Home EE Program; 2) Res-Multifamily Home Efficiency Program; 3) Res-Retail EE Products Program; and
- 4) Advance Pay Service Program
Additional Proposed Program Ideas / Program Changes: Residential (Carla Colamonici, CUB; Chris Neme, Energy Futures Group, on behalf of NRDC; Edith Makra, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus) –
- CUB Residential Proposals: 1) Addition to ComEd Residential Appliance Rebates; 2) Expansion of Ameren Appliance Rebates
- All Electric Home Retrofit Program Proposal (NRDC)
- Tree Shade for Energy Savings Proposal and Presentation (Metropolitan Mayors Caucus) – For more information, see Tree Shade Program Background
Proposed Program Ideas: Cold Water Washing Behavioral Program Proposal and Presentation; Washing Machine Early Retirement / Appliance Recycling Proposal and Presentation (John Paul Jewell, Environmental Law & Policy Center)
Proposed Program Change: Savings Measurement Software Proposal and Presentation (v2) (Note: The presentation slides include animation) (Tim Guiterman, EnergySavvy)
Proposed Program Change and New Program: Demand Response Proposals (ComEd and Ameren IL) and Demand Response Presentation (Carla Colamonici, Citizens Utility Board)
Wednesday, December 16 Meeting (Day 3)
Proposed Measure: Tier 1 APS – Residential Proposal and Presentation (Thad Carlson, TrickleStar)
Proposed Program Idea: Tier 2 APS Joint Proposal and Presentation (Domenico Gelonese, Embertec; Thad Carlson, TrickleStar)
Proposed Program Idea: Residential and Third-Party Pay for Performance Pilot Program Proposal and Presentation – v2, added 12/31/15 (Matt Gee, Open Energy Efficiency)
Smart Thermostat Evaluation Results – Preliminary Gas Impact Findings Presentation and Nicor Gas Emerging Technologies Presentation (Hammad Chaudhry, Nicor Gas; Amanda Ackerman, Navigant; Pace Goodman, Navigant; Kevin Grabner, Navigant)
Ameren IL DSM Market Potential Study Presentation – Preliminary Residential Results / Summary of Measure-Level Detail (Dave Costenaro, AEG)
Follow-Up Documents
- Attendee List and Action Items (12/18/15)
- SAG Open Issues Tracking document (updated 12/30/15)
- ELPC Clothes Washer Recycling Proposal Follow-up: California Clothes Washer Recycling Workpaper (NRDC, June 2014)
- Navigant and Nicor Gas Smart T-stat Gas Impact Results Presentation Follow-up: IL-TRM Baseline Adjustments – Gas Only
- EnergySavvy Presentation Follow-up: ACEEE Report – How Information and Communications Technologies Will Change the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of Energy Efficiency Programs (Dec. 16, 2015); NEEP – The Changing EM&V Paradigm (Dec. 2015)
Click here for information on SAG Small Group Follow-Up teleconferences, held in December 2015 and January 2016.