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November 16-17, 2015 Meeting Materials
Monday, November 16
SAG Portfolio Planning Process (Annette Beitel, EE SAG Facilitator) – no presentation
EPA EM&V Guidance Comments – Clean Power Plan (Rob Neumann, Navigant Consulting), v2
Proposed Program Ideas: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) (Pat Sharkey, Environmental Law Counsel, on behalf of Midwest CoGen Association)
- Proposed Program: Ameren IL CHP Pilot Program
- Proposed Program: ComEd CHP
- ComEd CHP Marketing and Outreach Program Presentation
Follow-up Program Ideas: Upstream Measures and LED Street Lighting (Chris Neme, Energy Futures Group, on behalf of NRDC; Phil Mosenthal, Optimal Energy, on behalf of IL AG)
- Broadening the Application of Upstream Incentives in the Utilities’ Next 3-Year Plans (Chris Neme, on behalf of NRDC); Upstream Example 1: Energize Connecticut Upstream Residential HVAC Program; Upstream Example 2: PG&E Commercial HVAC Upstream Program.
- IL AG Memo / Proposed Program: LED Street Lighting (IL AG), v2
Proposed Programs: Voltage Optimization (Keith Goerss, Ameren IL; Roger Baker, ComEd)
Tuesday, November 17
Follow-up: SAG Portfolio Planning Process
- Draft Cross-Cutting Program Administrator EE Plan Objectives (Annette Beitel, EE SAG Facilitator)
- Policy Manual issue: Confirm that the Policy Manual is a threshold document for the next 3-year Plans (Karen Lusson, IL AG)
- Update on open legal issues, draft Stipulation, and draft Acknowledgement / Agreement (Kristol Whatley, Ameren IL; Karen Lusson, IL AG) – Note: The draft Stipulation and draft Acknowledgement / Agreement were presented at the October SAG meetings.
Proposed Measure: Mid-stream, Pump Program for Unitary (VFD, ECM Motor and Pump), Self-Optimized Pumping Solutions (Jessica Morrison and Stephen Putnam, Grundfos Pump Corp.)
Proposed Measure: Tier 2 Commercial APS (Domenico Gelonese, Embertec)
Proposed Program: Building Analytics (Tim Melloch, TM EE Consulting, on behalf of FirstFuel)
Proposed Program Change: Small and Medium Business Efficiency Program (Keith Goerss, Ameren IL)
Next Steps: Proposed Program Ideas (Annette Beitel, EE SAG Facilitator) – no presentation
Follow-up Documents
- Laminar Flow Restrictor Measure Proposal:Laminar Flow Restrictors Workpaper, Southern California Gas Company (September 14, 2015); Retro-Commissioning (RCx) for Hospitals – Mass Save (Massachusetts)
- Mid-Stream Pump Measure Proposal: Q-Sync Motors in Commercial Refrigeration: Preliminary Test Results and Projected Benefits, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (September 2015)
- LED Street Lighting Proposal: Here is a link to a page with all of U.S. DOE’s resources related to street lighting: http://energy.gov/eere/ssl/doe-municipal-solid-state-street-lighting-consortium. The gateway and caliper reports at the bottom of this page have lab and in situ performance reports: http://energy.gov/eere/ssl/outdoor-lighting-resources.
- Draft SAG Portfolio Planning Process Small Group Questions – Comments and proposed edits due by COB on Monday, November 30, 2015 to SAG Facilitation ([email protected]).
- Attendee List and Action Items – Final Draft (11/20/15)
- SAG Tracking Open Issues (updated 11/20/15)
Small Group Follow-up Teleconferences
LED Street Lighting – December 3, 2015 (10:00 – 11:00 am)
Draft Attendee List and Meeting Notes (12/4/15)
Data Analytics – December 3, 2015 (1:00 – 2:00 pm)
Draft Attendee List and Meeting Notes (12/4/15)
Technical Validation and Case Studies – FirstFuel
Click here to review recent SAG Small Group Teleconference meeting information, as follow-up to the November and December SAG meetings.